General Information
Princess Anne French Immersion provides a bilingual program to serve the needs of parents and students in our community. Princess Anne F.I. offers 80% of the program in French and the remaining 20% in English, servicing a wide geographical area. The Thames Valley District School Board offers transportation for students living more than 1.6 km away from the school. Students may enter our school in Kindergarten or Grade 1. The curriculum is identical to that of our English public school counterparts, however, it is offered in a French speaking environment.
Princess Anne F.I. is a diverse and innovative multi-cultural community. Welcome!
We are a balanced day school.
Our hours are: 8:15 am - 2:45 pm
120 mins of instruction: 8:15 am - 10:15 am
First Nutrition Break/recess: 10:15 am - 10:55 am
100 mins of instruction: 10:55 am -12:35 pm
Second Nutrition Break/recess: 12:35 pm - 1:25 pm
80 mins of instruction: 1:25 pm - 2:45 pm
Dismissal: 2:45 pm
Our Big Ideas at PAFI
Student achievement is our priority.
We are striving for an Inclusive Community.
French culture surrounds all we do!
School Goal
De promouvoir la capacité des étudiants à interpréter et développer la pensée complexe et l'enquête en se concentrant sur le raisonnement proportionnel. D'améliorer la compréhension la production, et, l'intéraction des étudiants en français.
To promote students' abilities to interpret and develop higher order thinking and inquiry skills with a focus on proportional reasoning.To improve students' comprehension, production, and, interaction in French.
Volunteer opportunities at the school include
Assisting primary students in a variety of activities in the classroom
Assisting with supervision while on field trips
Reading to primary students
Library assistance
Coaching support
Classroom teacher support
Measures of Student Achievement & Success At Thames Valley
We believe that assessment and evaluation of student achievement are integral parts of the learning process. Information gathered through assessment and evaluation helps teachers to determine students' strengths and weaknesses in their achievement of the curriculum expectations. It also serves to guide teachers in adapting curriculum and instructional approaches to students' needs and in assessing the overall effectiveness of programs and classroom practices. A variety of methods are used to gauge student progress including: teacher observation, classroom tests, projects, and, other examples of student work. For more information on our school's provincial assessment results, visit the Education Quality and Accountability Office.
Welcome to Kindergarten at PAFI